25 Mystery Shopping Jobs
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25 Companies to Check Out if You’re Interested in Becoming a Mystery Shopper
Being a mystery shopper, or secret shopper as some call it is a nice way to earn some extra money and can also be a lot of fun. These are part-time, independent contractor positions, and you get to choose which mystery shopping assignments you want to take.
What is Mystery Shopping?
Companies use market research firms to gather information about their services and products. The research is used to determine the quality of the service or product and whether the company is in compliance with regulations and isn’t breaking any laws.
Market research firms hire mystery shoppers to perform specific tasks in order to gather information. The tasks can include purchasing products from a retail store, purchasing a meal from a restaurant, asking certain questions about products and services, or submitting a complaint, and then providing a detailed report about the experience.
The majority of mystery shopping jobs require going out to particular businesses like banks, restaurants, and retail stores. However, there are some companies that hire mystery shoppers to do all their shops from home, by telephone also.
What Does Mystery Shopping Pay?
The typical mystery shopping assignment pays between $5 and $25 and sometimes more depending on the difficulty and how much is involved. You are also usually reimbursed for anything that they required you to purchase during the mystery shop.
Do I Need Experience?
You don’t need to have any previous experience, however, you should have good grammatical and writing skills and you should also be very detailed oriented. You’ll be required to remember things like how long it took an employee to assist you, or if it’s a telephone shop, how long you were on hold.
All of these companies are free to sign up. For telephone mystery shop jobs, they don’t have any strict rules against background noise. In fact, the call actually sounds more legitimate if there’s background noise.
These aren’t regular jobs and they aren’t intended to provide a steady full-time income. They’re only a way to make some extra cash, however, the more companies you sign up with, the more money you’ll make. If you’re signed up with several companies, it is possible to make $600 to $700 per month.
Also, you must have a computer or laptop, with reliable internet service in order to complete and submit your evaluations. For some companies, you may also be required to have a PayPal account in order to be paid.
Where to Find Mystery Shopping Jobs
They hire Mystery Shoppers for various assignments, which include restaurants, retail, and hospitality. You must be at least 21 years of age to be considered. Each assignment pays a flat rate of $50 and is paid via PayPal.
You must be at least 18 years of age to apply, and you’re required to complete a 10-questing shopper qualifying test.
ARC Call Performance & Analysis
This company provides telephone mystery shopping and customer care satisfaction surveys. Their platform for completing shopper forms can be used on a smartphone, tablet, or computer. Payment dates vary according to the clients.
Associate Consumer Evaluations
This company focuses more on restaurant mystery shops. An assignment can pay from $5 to $50. All payments are made via direct deposit at the end of the month following the shops.
This company has over 500,000 shoppers across North America. You must detail-oriented, reliable, and professional. You must also be at least 18 years of age to qualify. Payments are made either via check or direct deposit.
They hire shoppers for a variety of assignments. You must be at least 21 years old to register. The payment amount varies according to the assignment. Payments are made via check or direct deposit on the 16th of the following month.
This company hires shoppers for various types of businesses, including banking, healthcare, restaurant, and retail. You must be at least 18 years of age, have reliable transportation, good communication skills, be detail-oriented, and have internet service. Payment is made via check, PayPal, Gift Card, or direct deposit.
They hire remote telephone Mystery Shoppers. Each call lasts between 5 and 10 minutes and pays $5 per call. You must be at least 18 years of age to apply.
This company offers a variety of mystery shop services, including video, written, and phone shops. After you register, you’ll receive emails when new shops are available.
They pay via PayPal on the 25th of each month for all shops completed the previous month. Any purchase made for a shop will be reimbursed.
This company’s focus is on hospitality-related businesses such as hotels, restaurants, and resorts. You’re paid a fee for each shop, plus reimbursed for any expenses that were directed by the client.
In order to join this company as a Mystery Shopper, you’re required to complete a shopper sign-up form and write a sample narrative of a recent service experience. They require detail of the experience and proper grammar.
Ellis Partners in Mystery Shopping
This company conducts mystery shops of apartment complexes. You must be at least 18 years of age to apply as a shopper.
This company performs shops and audits for a variety of fields, including retail, restaurant, and home improvement. You must be at least 18 years of age to apply as an Evaluator. They also allow the best Evaluators to move into audit positions for those that are interested.
This company hires telephone Mystery Shoppers to conduct automobile-related calls from home. You must be a US citizen and at least 18 years of age to apply.
After you sign up, you’ll receive emails of open shop opportunities. They allow you to broaden your geographical filter by changing your zip code preference, so there are more chances of available shops. Payments are made via PayPal.
In order to register with this company as a Mystery Shopper, you must upload a copy of your driver’s license and proof of auto insurance.
After signing with this company, they will send several shops to you each month. Payment is made once a month via direct deposit.
This company provides mystery shopping for the automobile, motorcycle, and recreational vehicle industries. Each shop lasts from 30 to 45 minutes. They don’t say how much the pay is for a shop, but they do say it is better.
This company offers both on-site and telephone mystery shopping. You must own or have access to a scanner or a digital camera. Payments are made via PayPal.
This company hires remote telephone Mystery Shoppers for the healthcare industry. The evaluations for these calls can be a little lengthy. Each call pays anywhere from $12 to $17 each.
When you sign up as a Mystery Shopper with them, you’ll also need to sign up for a PayPal account because they pay via PayPal.
This company performs shops for all industries, including retail, restaurants, banking, and call centers.
This company not only provides mystery shopping but also provides customer service analysis and market research. They require all mystery shop evaluations to be completed and returned within 24 hours of a shop and that you be reasonably available to take calls from them should they need to discuss your work.
This company hires seasonal telephone Mystery Shoppers to call apartment complexes and conduct rent surveys. Since the mystery shops are done via telephone, they can be done from home. They hire several times per year, and the job lasts for several weeks.
Final Thoughts
Be sure to watch out for scams!
Unfortunately, there are many scams out there, and sometimes it’s hard to tell which companies are legitimate. Legitimate mystery shopping companies will never charge you a fee. If you’re ever unsure about a mystery shopping company, you can always Mystery Shopping Providers Association, MSPA. It’s a trade association that sanctions mystery shopping companies.